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2016의 게시물 표시

ARBOARD - New Android App Released!!!

ARBOARD - Augmented Reality SNS ARboard is a new location-based social network service with Augmented Reality Are you looking for a different experience than traditional social network services like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram? AR board provides new social network service using augmented reality and location based service (LBS). You can communicate with people nearby by registering your daily life and photos based on your location. Enjoy new experiences with your friends through free or some paid features.(You can use all features for free during the beta test period.) - Register your profile to express your personality. - Use the Augmented Reality in your current location to find stories of various people. Feel fun to find articles and photos. - Comment on people's stories and enjoy the fun of communication. - Send a message to your favorite person to exchange ideas Download the AR board now and experience the new world and pleasure provided by AR...

그들의 악함을 과소 평가 하지 마라

일본이 패망한 후에 일본 앞잡이들이 반공을 외치며 그들의 비위를 잘 알고 있는 항일 투쟁 민족 지도자들을 없애버렸다. 지금 두목이 탄핵된 상황에서 자기가 살겠다고 그의 부역자들이 두목과 그 충견을 비판하고 있다. 촛불로 두목을 없앴지만 그 두목이 없어진 산을 민주주의가 차지할 것이라고 마냥 희망하는 것은 naive한 생각이다. 이 부류의 악인들의 악함을 과소 평가하지 마라. 그들은 어떻해서든 권력과 돈을 지켜내서 호시탐탐 기회를 노릴 것이다. 매스 미디어의 힘을 조정하고, 진보의 분열을 이용하고, 국민의 무관심을 등에 업고 언제든지 권력의 중심에 설 수 있다. 피해자 코스프레를 하고 있는 재벌도 조심하자. 그들은 절대 손해 보는 곳에 돈을 쓰지 않는다. 억지로 돈을 낸 것이 아니다. 혹세무민의 정치인들이 이전투구를 하는 동안 양두구육의 재벌들이 슬며시 자리를 펼 것이다.

Picasso vs Glide in Android

I started a new project with Picasso first, but had a problem with the orientation of photos. Picasso didn't display a photo properly according to it's orientation. So I changed to Glide which solve the problem. Use 'Glide' if you want to be safe about photo's orientation,

Different moral standard

If one has different moral standard with people, it is difficult to understand him or her. As he or she don't know people think what is wrong and what is right, he or she does what we didn't expected, and feels nothing about it. Think about it, if your father was a high government official such as President or minister, but sadly, he was associated with corruption and dictatorship and killed by a gun by his man. Could you be a politician? Wouldn't you feel same in front of people? If child of the man has a moral standard same as people, he or she makes atonement on behalf of their father and is ashamed of the privilege they have enjoyed. But when the child didn't regret any thing about what their father did, and became politicians, it is the sign of he or she has the different moral standard with us. We should be careful about the impudence of him or her. He or she may commits crimes casually such as murder, corruption, or power abuse. Moreover he or she doesn't...

그네와 최무당은 잘 못 한 게 없다.

고양이에게 생선 가게를 맡겨 고양이가 생선을 훔쳐 먹었다면 그건 고양이의 잘 못 인가 생선 가게를 고양이에게 맡긴 사람의 잘 못 인가? 대중은 기만 당하기 위해 태어난 것인가?('There's a sucker born every minute.', P.T. Barnum) 한 번 속으면 속인 사람 잘못이지만 두 번 속으면 속은 사람 잘못인가? MB와 그네를 탄생시킨 민주주의는 과연 민주주의인가? 현재의 촛불 시위는 51%를 설득할 수 있는가? 자신을 속여서 MB와 그네를 뽑은 것을 생각하고, 그런 주위 사람들을 보면서 설득하지 못한 것을 생각하고, 차떼기당의 목숨이 부지되고 있다는 것을 생각하고, 이런 나라가 계속 지속될 거 같은 두려움을 생각하자.

Android Dagger2

Google Docs and example codes https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fby5VeGU9CN8zjw4lAb2QPPsKRxx6mSwCe9q7ECNSJQ/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g36c44a5df_0295 https://github.com/google/dagger/tree/master/examples good to read https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bkctcKjbLlpiI0Nj9v0QpCcNIiZBhVsJsJp1dgU5n98/edit#slide=id.g76eaa01fe_0_36 good to read https://medium.com/@patrykpoborca/making-a-best-practice-app-4-dagger-2-267ec5f6c89a#.w6v2qtxsb https://github.com/konmik/konmik.github.io/wiki/Snorkeling-with-Dagger-2 https://github.com/codepath/android_guides/wiki/Dependency-Injection-with-Dagger-2 http://fernandocejas.com/2015/04/11/tasting-dagger-2-on-android/ translation in Korean -  https://medium.com/@jason_kim/tasting-dagger-2-on-android-번역-632e727a7998#.24tkm44qc Component Dependency vs Submodules http://jellybeanssir.blogspot.kr/2015/05/component-dependency-vs-submodules-in.html https://github.com/JakeWharton/u2020...

Android Programming Architecture

Good writings for Android Architecture. list for resources https://github.com/ziem/android-architecture-resources History of Android Architecture http://zserge.com/blog/android-mvp-mvvm-redux-history.html Android Clean Architecture http://fernandocejas.com/2014/09/03/architecting-android-the-clean-way/ Google sample for Android Architecture with to-do app https://github.com/googlesamples/android-architecture MVP http://www.tinmegali.com/en/model-view-presenter-android-part-1/ https://github.com/konmik/konmik.github.io/wiki/Introduction-to-Model-View-Presenter-on-Android http://antonioleiva.com/mvp-android MVP examples https://github.com/antoniolg/androidmvp https://github.com/glomadrian/MvpCleanArchitecture in Krean http://thdev.tech/androiddev/2016/06/14/Android-TODO-MVP-Example.html http://pluu.github.io/blog/android/2016/04/06/android-mvc-mvp/ https://github.com/javajigi/mvp-examples

Problem of overlapping CoordinatorLayout and FrameLayout as frame_container in Android

When using FrameLayout as frame_container in CoordinatorLayout, it overlaps CoordinateLayout. The solution is set app:layout_behavior="@string/appbar_scrolling_view_behavior" to FrameLayout. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32427084/android-supportlib-framelayout-in-coordinatorlayout-with-appbarlayout-consumin

Android OpenGL ES Ray Picking

OpenGL ES 1.0 http://android-raypick.blogspot.kr/2012/04/first-i-want-to-state-this-is-my-first.html https://github.com/i-schuetz/Android_OpenGL_Picking OpenGL ES 2.0 http://micropilot.tistory.com/1845   in Korean * Updating I made a demo https://github.com/LHSG/AndroidRayPickingDemo

change group_concat max len in mysql

When using group_concat in mysql, you may be embarrassed by truncated query results. Then, you should check the mysql variable, 'group_concat_max_len', it's default value is 1024.    show variables like "group_concat_max_len"; The command, set group_concat_max_len = xxxx doesn't effect in my case. So I changed the config file in /etc/my.cnf,  [mysqld]  group_concat_max_len = xxxx In addition, you should check ' max_allowed_packet' variable.

아이들이 안전하고 행복한 세상을 위한 서비스 Pappa's List - a New Service will be coming soon.

'Pappa's List'라는 새로운 서비스를 준비 중에 있습니다. www.pappaslist.com 아이들이 안전하고 행복할 수 있는 세상을 만들기 위한 서비스입니다. '세월호' 사건과 '옥시 사태'를 등이 더 이상 발생하지 않도록 아빠의 힘으로 세상을 바꾸어 보고자 합니다. 특히나 세상의 모든 딸 바보 아빠들을 위하여...

react-native bind and listview item event handler

In ListView bind.this and renderRow() also bind.this return ( < ListView dataSource = { this . state . dataSource } renderRow = { this . renderItem . bind ( this )} style = { styles . listView } /> ); renderProgram (program) { return ( < TouchableHighlight onPress = { this . handlePress . bind ( this , ...)}> < View style = { styles . row }> ... </ View > </ TouchableHighlight > ); }

Android NDK PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY LOCAL_SRC_FILE should only contain one item error

to include other modules in the project, in the module's Android.mk file - using a shared ( .so ):  PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY  - using a static ( .a ) library:  PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY don't set LOCAL_SRC_FILES one item each LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := mobule_b LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ./lib/module_a.a include $(PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := module_b LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ./lib/module_b.a include $(PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY)

Android OpenCV NDK loadlibrary function in static statement slow down problem

It is odd that when loading OpenCV NDK module in static statement makes app slow. Don't load the module like this.  static {       System. loadLibrary ( "ndk_module" );  } Load NDK module at onManagerConnected() in BaseLoaderCallback. private BaseLoaderCallback mLoaderCallback = new BaseLoaderCallback( this ) { @Override public void onManagerConnected( int status) { switch (status) { case LoaderCallbackInterface. SUCCESS : { System. loadLibrary ( "ndk_module" ); mOpenCvCameraView .enableView(); } break ; default : { super .onManagerConnected(status); } break ; } } };

Android Studio, gradle experimental, NDK, and OpenCV

It is really frustrating to build OpenCV native code with new Android Studio. The new Android Studio doesn't use make files, instead, sets compile options in app's builde.gradle file. The new gradle experimental(0.6.0-beta4) has some changes in DSL. It uses '.add' function, not '+='. Look at Sample Project at github AndroidOpenCVNDKDemo . It use Android Studio 2.0 beta5, gradle-experimental:0.6.0-beta, and OpenCV 3.1.0. I hope this will save your time. Useful sites http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/gradle-experimental http://ph0b.com/new-android-studio-ndk-support/ https://github.com/joaopedronardari/OpenCV-AndroidSamples -- 2016.03.06 Updated step by step explanation for Android NDK http://web.guohuiwang.com/technical-notes/androidndk1