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Being A Hacker and Startup Culture

  In Korea, the word, "Hacker' is used only in a narrow sense, who is do something for computer security, or it may be more known as an institute of English. But I wish this definition of what is a hacker is more widespread in Korea.
  As more I understand What is a hacker, the more I come to conclude that a startup should be founded by hackers. Most of the startup's founders want to build the strong culture of their company. But it is difficult to define a culture of the company and it is more difficult(Is there a word meaning more difficult?) to settle it.  I think if a startup is composed by hackers, there is no need of intentional effort to build a culture. Because there already will be the culture of hacker and that is more powerful than any others.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

install parse-server & parse-dashboard at CentOS 7

yum install epel-release -y yum update -y shutdown -r now install mongodb https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-red-hat/#configure-the-package-management-system-yum semanage port -a -t mongod_port_t -p tcp 27017 curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_9.x | sudo bash - yum install git -y git clone https://github.com/ParsePlatform/parse-server.git sudo npm install -g parse-server mongodb-runner * install parse-server-example https://github.com/parse-community/parse-server-example.git * install parse-dashboard https://github.com/parse-community/parse-dashboard.git firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=4040/tcp semanage port -a -t mongod_port_t -p tcp 4040 parse-dashboard --config parse-dashboard-config.json --allowInsecureHTTP