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Crab Basket, Wealth and Technology

    You need a cap for a basket where a crab is, but you don't need one for a basket where are  lots of crabs. Because one crab climbs to the top, others pull down it with their legs, so none of them could go away.
    Today, I read a article about Kim Young Man, a master of Origami, who was once very famous in TV Show, but recently not shown on TV at all. It says some of Korean argue that he owns a foreign car. In consciousness of them, a old origami man should not drive a expensive foreign car. Or the education of Literature in Korea is very at the high level, they know the Balzac's word, "Behind every great fortune there is a crime".(Of course, it is very difficult to find the country where this word fits so perfectly.)
    This article reveals two special features of Korean society. First, like Crab basket, people are timing and jealousy about other's success and richness, and drag down in the same oven, not doing a just evaluation and conceded celebration. In Korea, there is an old saying, people are jealous of cousin's purchase of the land.(I would like to survey how many countries have an old saying like this.) But if someone owns a expensive foreign car by creating wealth with a just manner, it means that the system of capitalistic economy works fine and good. It is irony that all of people want to be rich but dislike other people became rich.
    Secondly, there is consciousness in the depth that richness is crime. In Korean society, there have been long time and still now many corruptions at all of places, politics, economy, company, even school. So it is really impossible to be rich not being associated with a crime including tax avoidance or insider trading. But as capitalistic economy and democracy are growing though in poor surroundings(Am I right for "growing"?), wealth doesn't need to be related to a crime. Technology can make people create wealth with a just way. If a country has a rational, logical, and reasonable system, creating wealth with technology is less risky than creating wealth by a crime. And maybe a startup with technology is the first place where this belief comes true.


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